14 Januar 2008


The week started with a day of renewals and many different activities.
As usual I didn’t run very much today and went to Carole’s house for some training on the employer presentation. Jeremy, another new agent, was also there and played a grumpy employer. We were done at ten and I went to the base to vacuum out the truck and go swimming for 30 minutes. The pool was heated, so it wasn’t too bad that the weather was rather cool today.
Because I was already so close to the Atlantic Ocean I took my sandwiches to the beach for lunch.
Back at home I cleaned the house, using my new red vacuum cleaner, and got ready to ride Brownie.
I’m going to ride in a working cow horse show in April, so I was exited to get the training started and rode in the arena for an hour. I still have a lot of work to do before we’re getting ready to show, but it’s very motivating to have something to look forward to. Stephanie gave me some tips and advice, too.
For dinner Jon and I made a good turkey meal with mushrooms, beans and spinach that we both liked.

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